Birth, Lineage and nasab There are two histories in relation to the date of the birth of al-Ghauts al_A'zham Qodir Sheikh Abd al-Jilani. History The first is that he was born on 1 Ramadan 470 AH The second story states he was born on 2 Ramadhan 470 AH The second story seems more credible by scholars [1]. The genealogy of Shaykh Abdul Qodir sourced from the Caliph Ali Sayyid al-Murtaza ra, through his father during 14 generations and 12 generations through his mother along. Sheikh Sayyid Abdurrahman Jami rah.a to comment about the origins of al-Ghauts A'zham al-ra as follows: "He is a great Sultan, who is known sebagial-Ghauts al-A'zham. He received his second of the genealogy sayyid her parents, Hasani Husaini from his father and the mother "[1]. Family genealogy is as follows young: From Her father (Hasani) [1]:
Sheikh Abdul Qodir bin Musa bin Abu Samih Abu Abdillah bin Yahya bin Muhammad az-Zahid, son of David, son of Moses Tsani Tsani Abdullah ibn Musa al-Jaun Mahdhi bin Abd al-Hasan ibn Hasan as-Mutsanna Sibthi bin Ali bin Abi Talib, husband Fatimah al -Zahra bint Rasulullah SAW
From his mother (Husaini) [1]: Sheikh Abdul Qodir bin Umm Khair Sum'i Fatima bint Abdullah ibn Abu Jamal ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud ibn Abul 'Atha Kamaluddin Abdullah bin Isa bin Ali bin Abu Ala'uddin Ridha bin Musa bin al-Kazhim Ja'far al-Sadiq bin Muhammad al-Baqir bin Zainul 'Abidin ibn Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, husband Fatimah al-Zahra bint Rasulullah SAW..
Imam Ibn Rajab also said, "Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Gilani may Allaah have a good understanding on the issue of unity, the attributes of God, fate, and ma'rifat sciences in accordance with the sunnah."
His works include:
Li Thalibi Thariqil Ghunyah al Haq,
Futuhul unseen.
His students collect particulars relating to the advice of his assemblies. In matters of nature, destiny and others, he adheres to the Sunnah. He denied vehemently against those who menyelisihi sunnah.
His works include:
Li Thalibi Thariqil Ghunyah al Haq,
Futuhul unseen.
His students collect particulars relating to the advice of his assemblies. In matters of nature, destiny and others, he adheres to the Sunnah. He denied vehemently against those who menyelisihi sunnah.
In conclusion
In conclusion, he was a 'great scholar. If today many Muslims laud-nyanjungnya and loved, then it is a fairness. Even a necessity. But if rising-above raises degree he wasalam shollallahu'alaihi Messenger, then this is a fatal mistake. Because the Prophet shollallahu 'alaihi wasalam was the apostle of the most honored of the prophets and apostles. Degree will not be undefeated at the side of God by any human. As for some Muslims, who make the Sheikh Abdul Qadir as Waseelah (broker) in their prayers, someone believes that prayer will not be granted by God, except with the intermediary. This is also an error. Makes the people who died as an intermediary, then no this syari'atnya and unlawful. Especially if there are people who pray to him. This is a great kesyirikan. Because prayer is one form of worship that is not given to other than Allah. God forbid mahluknya pray to other than Allah. "And verily the mosques, it belonged to God. Thou shalt not worship someone else in it in addition to (worship) God. (Surat Al-Jinn: 18)"
So it has been a must for every Muslim to treat the 'ulama as well as possible, but still within the limits established Shariah. Finally, I hope God continues to provide instructions to us, so do not get lost in a life filled with this slander.
In the year 521 AD H/1127, he taught and berfatwa in all schools in the community known to the wider community. During the 25 years spent Sheikh Abdul Qadir as Sufi wanderers in the Desert of Iraq and finally recognized by the world as a great Sufi masters of the Islamic world. In addition he led the madrassas and ribath in Baghdad, which was founded in 521 H until his death in 561 AH Madrasah persisted with his son led Abdul Wahab (552-593 H/1151-1196 M), forwarded his son Abdul Salam (611 H/1214 M). Also led a second child Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Abdul Razaq (H/1134-1206 528-603 AD), until the destruction of Baghdad in 656 AD H/1258
Sheikh Abdul Qadir, also known as the founder and disseminator one of the world's largest congregation called the Order Qodiriyah.
So it has been a must for every Muslim to treat the 'ulama as well as possible, but still within the limits established Shariah. Finally, I hope God continues to provide instructions to us, so do not get lost in a life filled with this slander.
In the year 521 AD H/1127, he taught and berfatwa in all schools in the community known to the wider community. During the 25 years spent Sheikh Abdul Qadir as Sufi wanderers in the Desert of Iraq and finally recognized by the world as a great Sufi masters of the Islamic world. In addition he led the madrassas and ribath in Baghdad, which was founded in 521 H until his death in 561 AH Madrasah persisted with his son led Abdul Wahab (552-593 H/1151-1196 M), forwarded his son Abdul Salam (611 H/1214 M). Also led a second child Sheikh Abdul Qadir, Abdul Razaq (H/1134-1206 528-603 AD), until the destruction of Baghdad in 656 AD H/1258
Sheikh Abdul Qadir, also known as the founder and disseminator one of the world's largest congregation called the Order Qodiriyah.